Answear LAB

Answear.LAB is the initiator of an open coalition against shaming women.

We give a voice to women who have experienced humiliation in their lives in the form of a seemingly harmless comment or a direct, stigmatising judgement of their appearance, behaviour or life choices.

See how they stand up to the critical narrative.


The #NoShameCoalition is united by a shared goal.
Following the women's call, as a coalition of media and allies, we strongly and unanimously oppose the phenomenon of women shaming. Read our declaration.


The #NoShameCoalition is united by a shared goal.
Following the women's call, as a coalition of media and allies, we strongly and unanimously oppose the phenomenon of women shaming. Read our declaration.

Get involved

Join us and support women, who refuse to be humiliated, denigrated and objectified.

Speak up against shaming women. Download the image and share it on your social media, tagging @answear.lab and adding the hashtag #NoShameCoalition.


The huge scale of the phenomenon of shaming women is confirmed by the report ‘Women Shaming | Kobiet-ocenianie 2020. Trend zawstydzania i krytyki kobiet’, published by the Clue PR agency.

of women have experienced criticism or judgement of themselves or other women

of them have been criticised for their appearance or the way they raise their children

of women are criticised for their appearance and weight

for make-up and clothing

of women are criticised for reasons related to motherhood, i.e. for their style of parenting or not having children

of women feel judged for their life choices - their choice of partner or school

Campaign supporters

The #NoShameCoalition is co-created with Answear.LAB by leading Polish media, courageously opposing the shaming of women. Read their views on this important issue.

Agnieszka Pruchnik,
Answear.LAB brand director

Answear.LAB has always been supporting women. We want to strengthen their position in society through socially engaged fashion. That is why we could not stand idly by in the face of such a widespread phenomenon as the shaming of women. We strongly oppose criticising and judging women based on their appearance, identity, ethnicity or life choices. It is time to unleash our full feminine potential and demonstrate respect and dignity for women.

Karolina Borowska, editor-in-chief

Women in show business are judged at every turn - comments are made on their appearance, age, choices and love life. As in any other area - double standards prevail here too. On social media or in articles, you will rarely find voices that sexualise, silence or humiliate men. For women, this is an everyday reality. Yes, we are an entertainment portal, but we want to be an example of how women can be written about with the respect and dignity they deserve.

Ewa Walas,
Head of Brand Development at

We are ashamed. To say out loud what we think, to wear clothes that for some reason don't seem proper, to show our first grey hairs, our C-section scars and the bags under our eyes. We are ashamed because we have come to believe that if we don't fit in with the current 'trends', we are not enough. We compare ourselves to non-existent ideals and hide from the world. We refuse to shame women. There is no place on our websites for their humiliation and objectification. Because women's voices are important and we want them to find the strength to be themselves in the media.

Monika Tutak-Goll,
editor-in-chief of Wysokie Obcasy and Wysokie Obcasy Extra

We are fed up with disciplining women. Since childhood, we have been brought up in a culture of shame. This shame is imprinted on our bodies, our language, our actions. We shamelessly join the action and sign the #NoShameForWomen Coalition declaration.

Milena Bryła,
deputy editor-in-chief

Even though it is 2023, us women still have to face shaming, especially online. We are constantly being judged on our appearance and age, our choices, competence and beliefs are being questioned. It is time to say NO to the shaming of women. Let's fight for true gender equality!

Łukasz Jadaś,
Lead editor of ASZ:dziennik

ASZdziennik is a satirical website, but we take signs of sexism completely seriously. Satire is inextricably linked to criticism and judgement of the views and attitudes of people regardless of their gender. Shaming, humiliating and objectifying, however, have nothing to do with it. Hate speech is not a joke. It is violence that affects women more often than men. We encourage you to speak up for the equal treatment of all genders and against sexist behaviour.

Dominika Olszyna-Kniaź,
editor-in-chief of Onet Lifestyle, Onet Kultura and Ofeminin

Every woman should live in an environment that empowers her and supports her needs. Nowadays, everyday life is divided into online and offline worlds. In both, shaming should have no place and it is everyone's responsibility to create an empathetic, open environment to live in.

Marta Kabulska,
editor-in-chief of Mama Du

When we become mothers, we struggle with shaming in many areas: because of the appearance of our bodies, because of breastfeeding in public, because of the many life decisions we make (because we didn't go back to work/because we went back to work too early). Shaming is a form of violence. Let's react!

Marta Kosakowska-Surunowicz,
editor-in-chief of So magazyn

So magazyn promotes feminine power and values to boost women's self-confidence. That is why it is important for us to write about women in a respectful way, taking into account their achievements and needs. Language changes reality, and we want to contribute to this change.

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